
Silvia Zampa is a designer and ceramic artist based in Faenza Italy.

Her primary focus is porcelain and jewelery design.

Caolina is a name that define the material that she work with:

infact caolin is the primary component of porcelain...



1999 - State Art Institute of S.Sepolcro (AR), Italy Interior design degree

2004 - Seminario de Sargadelos "Tecnologia y Escuela Libre" Cervo, Spain

2005 - Erasmus at NCAD Kraft design, Dublin

2005- Traning at FOS ceramiche in Faenza, Italy

2007 - Bachelor in design and ceramic tecnology ISIA, Faenza (RA), Italy

2008 - TAM Jewellery seminar Pietarubbia (PU), Italy

2009 - Seminar of high temperature glaze tecnology by G. Cimatti in Udine, Italy

Stone age 	Kele 	Tentacoli 	Heavy